Ok, I am not afraid to admit that I am relieved to see the holidays pass. It seems that I have barely taken a breath since Halloween. Though I had the best Thanksgiving and a wonderful Christmas, I am looking forward to Spring now. I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays as much as we did. Here's wishing you all a very prosperous 2008!!!!
We finally welcomed "Crestridge" Diesel Dean into our home on December 23rd, and boy have I been busy since. Wait! Let me explain this ridiculously long name first: To paper the puppy you must use at least three names- the breeder's included. "Crestridge" is the name of the wonderful breeders we purchased Diesel from and, well, Dean is BRETT'S middle name! I will only take credit for "Diesel" not the others- thank Brett for the other two names. I about lost my lunch when he told me the DOG would share his middle name!!! It's just wrong. Whatever. I am still trying to figure out why Brett wants to paper the puppy- we aren't going to breed him. (Uh, he better NOT!) What does it matter? Anyway, the puppy is doing great. I, let me emphasize *I*, have managed to train him to pee, poop, and sit on command. Pee and poop outside, and sit when he wants a treat. All right, only about 80% of the time, but I am very proud- seeing as how he IS only nine weeks old, and I have done this in a week. Thank you, Cesar Millan!!!!! The Dog Whisperer is my hero!!! Ccchhhhhh!
Christmas was wonderful, as was Christmas Eve. We shared dinner and presents with Papa, Nanny, Granny, and Nana on Christmas Eve. Lexi and Jessi were so excited to get new jammies that they immediately tore off their dresses...in front of everyone....to slip them on and model. And since Lexi had Supergirl jams, she also had to play the role of Supergirl....all night. Yikes. Sorry Papa and Nanny. Jessi's jammies were pink, sparkly princess ones, so her behavior wasn't altered.
Much to our surprise, we woke up to a huge blanket of snow on Christmas morning! I was thrilled- it was my very first "white Christmas"! I have lived in Colorado for 24 years and I have never experienced this. And when I realized that this was my first "White Christmas" with a puppy as a gift, I felt blessed....until around 10 am, after standing outside-freezing my butt off-every 20 minutes- potty training a dog! It didn't take me long to realize that the cute little pup on a snowy Christmas morning wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Oh well. Later, we had dinner at Nana's house with the rest of the Mosbargers.
On to New Year's. We were in bed by 11:00.
Sorry, Helen, that's as short as I can make this entry. I tried.
Love to everyone!!!!!!
OMG!!!!!!!!!! Pick me up off of the floor!
I check regularly and almost didn’t today! Man! WOOOOOOOOOOHHOOOOOOO
So let’s see….love the photos….gosh those angels are adorable.
Now don’t tell me that is one of those talking parrot toys….I am so not showing Hughie that….he SO wants one.
A white Christmas (can’t believe it is your first one) and a new puppy! You spoilt girl….well maybe not so much with all your toilet training! Hehehehe
I am so proud of you DCP! – I am just now picking myself up off the floor.
Love to you all!!
Grocery Bags????? OMGGGGGGGG They are SO creative! LOVE THEM. And I loveeeeeeeeeeee the photos of Baby Deisel. I'm stealing one.. or two.. or.. Well, you get the idea. LOL He is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute!!!
a glamour dont.....hell yes...when your butt is like that! LOL!
Hi,KJ, just wanted to thank you for the pictures of my new granddog!!!He is adorable!!We loved the pictures of the girls, especially the grocery bag dresses! Don't want to come off as too corny, not knowing blog talk and all..do think I know what OMG means, but from me it seems so PHL, that's grandma for Paris Hilton Like...Love you Mom
Your Mum is too funny! Maybe we should vote her to be DCP!
(or then again that role could go to me as I have such a sad life that I am here reading comments! Oh brudder!)
ps. I bet she can't work out DCP! ROFL!
if I stay here much longer I could have a whole conversation with myself! LOL
No, for the life of me, Helen, I can't imagine what DCP! ROFL! might mean, but I'm ready to accept the role or challenge, or what ever!! It's fun blogging or rather commenting with you, Karin probably hasn't seen either of our comments. Anyway this is fun!!!ML(more later) Mary
What the heck is a HTML? I need serious help with this stuff...Mary
Hello Mary. Hey! Who needs Karin? Karin who? The phantom blogger! Pleased to meet you. Greetings from downunder! (Austrayla as little Jess likes to say I believe!)K (Karin) told me you wrote back...so I just had to drop in and say G'day (aussie for good day!) The whole DCP thing would take way too long to explain here so I shall let the phantom tell on that basis. My basics are LOL (laugh out loud) I tend to do that a lot...and chat to myself online of course ... that or...ROFL (rolling on floor laughing) So on that note I very much look forward to ML! Cheers!
Karin would be the person IN CHARGE of this damn blog!!!! Oh, that would be ME, Karin!!!! Helen, YOU have blog! Mom, get your OWN!!!!! LOL!!!!!! Oh, and mom, you do realize that now that you have officially met Helen, you will be stalked...every damn day...until you DO get your own...right????
LOVE YOU BOTH....anyway!!!
Nuh! I wouldn't do that to your Mum! I reserve that calling in life strictly for you.
And yes! I am still coming back to read comments! LOL!
I really don't understand what's going on here with all of you fighting...may I join the fight??? LOL!!!
JR. this blog is so fun....love the photos of the girls!!! Were you in bed at 11:00 PM for New Year's Eve?? You must be mad!!!!!!!! Well, I "felt" you were but now I'm SURE!!!!!! No hugs and kisses??? )BTW I hate New Year's Eve...)
A new puppy???? see what I mean??? Cleaning, cooking and taking care of more dogs???
For those who will read my comment, I really LOVE this girl, I'm just kidding!!!
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