Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Almost Time?

I sure hope not. Capone has been very sick for over a week now, and I am not sure how well he will recover. I fear that his age is finally catching up with him. The average life expectancy for pitbulls is 10 to 12 years. Capone is 11-ish. He is unable to keep food down, his energy level is zip, and his arthritis is worse than it's ever been. I thought we had turned a corner for the best this morning, but this afternoon proved me wrong. I will be taking him in on Friday for blood work. Please keep your fingers crossed for us, and send lots of prayers and postive energy our way.....we could really use it. I am not ready to say goodbye to my Putts.


Helen said...

OH NO! That is sad. Best of luck my friend.

Krissy said...


not yet.

I will try to come by tomorrow if it's okay. Let me know when is a good time for you.