At the school picnic today, cussing at myself for leaving the wrong filter on my lens again, I noticed Lexi sitting next to me in tears. I asked her what was wrong, and she told me she didn't want to be a first grader, and she wanted to stay in Kindergarten. She said she loves Mrs. Smith, and she is afraid of going to school every day. I quickly reminded her that she said the very same thing about leaving Pre-K, and made her remember how scared she was to start Kindergarten. I also let her know that her new classroom will be right next to her old one, so she can see Mrs. Smith EVERY DAY...not just a couple of days a week. And, I reminded her that all of her same friends are moving right on up with her. That made her feel a little better. When we got home, I showed her a picture I took of her on the very first day. She instantly saw how scared she was. And, now, here she is sad to leave. I reassured her that it would be the same next year......I hope!!!!
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww poor baby! She'll be okay.. the sweet thing! I LOVE these pictures WOWEEE! Hey, the pic of jess blowing on the dandylion.. did you use a polarizer? LOVE IT!
Gosh she is adorable. I remember my kids going through that! Now they just want to get through there respective grades as quick as possible doing as little work as they can along the way. LOL!!!
Hey Karin! Thanks for your sweet comments. My camera is a Sony 1080. I LOVE this thing.
Such a sweet story here. It's so tough growing up, isn't it? Beautiful pics you got here.
LOL to Leah...so true! A great story - well done Mum. As for those photos - yikes! You so rock portraits girl!
HEY! What's going on with the smooching photo at the top right?
Hi there! My good friend Krissy gave me the link to your blog. I'm just starting out with SLR photography, and Krissy thought I might be inspired by your work. She was right - I AM inspired! Your photos are beautiful, and from what I understand, we use the same camera! There may be hope for me yet. LOL! Thanks for sharing your art with the world. You are truly talented. ~A~
Beautiful layouts!!! I feel like I never hear from you!!! Do you have my home email????? Send me a pm on sb.com and I'll give it to you...Really don't want to lose touch!!! Your girls are beautiful!!!! They are growing up SOOOO incredibly fast!!! I've been pursuing all the great pics on your blog.....awesome photography!!!! What is a filter???? Do I need one??? LOL!!!
Karin, she is such a little cutie!! Meagan was the same way about going into grade one. You handled that perfectly....btw, Meagan ended up loving it.....I think it's really re-assuring for them to know that their friends will be moving along with them!....miss you girl, hope all's well with you :D
~Gabi XX
Once I see all of your Pictures U taken.. was good picture.. It beautiful ones.. I like when She smiling. pretty eyes re brown n good color hair..
cute dog just reminds of my brother's dog just like that.
It good picture taken!!
Hi Karin,
Just wanted to let you know that little Henry is here and almost 6 weeks old. He's doing well. Sorry Lexi was sad to leave kinder. Maddie starts this fall. Been missing you at sb.com, but Krissy says you are busy with other projects. A bunch of us are working as DT members at www.mycreativescrapbook.com . Krissy's mom Robin will be a guest designer this month. You should stop by when you can.
Take care - Liz
awww...I have a daughter starting gr.1 this year too. It is soo cute. Your daughter is darling!
Hi I found your blog through scrapbooks.com. Your family is beautiful. have a wonderful day!
Stunningly beautiful girl. Great photos Mom! ;D Laney really misses her teacher from Kindergarten. And I remember her being upset and excited about leaving preschool and starting Kindergarten. So hard all those emotions for kids with not all the ways adults can express them...heck I'm an adult and I don't even know how to express my emotions sometimes! Best of luck!
Awwww, bless her heart! I remember the first field trip that my youngest went on that parents weren't allowed to go, I sat in the school parking lot and cried as they loaded the bus!!! I think it's harder for us!!!!
I totally LOVE your photos, you have awesome candid shots! And thanks for visiting the MCS blog!!!!
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