Saturday, May 31, 2008

So Up Her Alley

Friday was Lexi's very first field day, and boy did she have fun!!! It doesn't surprise me- this girl makes a "field day" of every day!!! Like I always say, she started walking at nine months, climbing way before then, and she hasn't stopped since. I was really surprised at how much effort she put forth. There were nine different activities that lasted two hours, and these kids did NOT stop!!! It was also a treat, for me, to see how close she has become with a few of the kids in her class. Her confidence is on the mend...finally. She even stood up in the gym- in front of the entire school- and read a paragraph (all by herself) on what being "responsible" means to her. I was so proud, I couldn't stop crying for ten minutes. Oh, and I forgot my camera for THAT event!!! Anyway, here a few shots from her field day.

1 comment:

Helen said...

You forgot your camera when your baby got up to read!!!!!!!! But you made up for it with the field shots! WTG Lexi!!