So, this morning I opened up an email from Helen, and I was so surprised to see this BEAUTIFUL gift from her!!! OK, it took me some time to figure out what the heck she was talking about...she said something like "my best picture ever" and she "couldn't resist". I didn't see the layout until AFTER I searched other emails and her blog, trying to make sense of her message. But, when I finally used my brain and saw this amazing page, I was speechless!!!!! I just love what she did with this amateur picture I took of Lex yesterday, after her haircut!!!! I think I am going to recruit Helen to finish my pages for me. See, it takes me a year- at least- to get around to scrap a picture. But, it takes Helen....who lives in AUSTRALIA.....minutes to scrap my pictures- from the very same day!!!!! Helen, you are hired!!!!!! HUGE hugs to you!!!! Mwa!!!! Thanks so much!!!!! Lexi and I love it!!!!!
Thank you so much, dear Helen. You certainly did our granddaughter justice!!!She's so darned cute, both looks and spirit!!! Thanks again, Mary
My pleasure Mary and K!! I have a disease...just can't help myself. Could be worse issues I suppose. Luckily I have a very understanding and accomodating president! MWA!
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