Monday, January 7, 2008

My Own Picasso!

So, as many of you know, Alexia is quite the little artist. She has said many times that she would like to be an artist when she grows up, and I truly believe that she can be. Since she was a toddler, she has made things that always impress the heck out me.........her latest creation is NO exception.

As I was cleaning out her backpack, getting ready for the first day back at school since Christmas, I found this wonderful (?) little masterpiece that she innocently titled "My Robot Mom". Now, let me explain something here: For years I have tried and tried to remind her that I am NOT a robot- I can't just keep doing what she asks, right on time, ALL day long. I must tell her at least twenty times a day that I am NOT a robot! Well, in art class a couple of weeks ago, she was asked to make something that would make her mom happy. So, she turned me into a robot. Yes, it's kinda cute, but take a look at the blue square that she used as my "torso"......this mom robot comes equip with "Nickles", as Jessi DID say!!!!!!!!! What are those weird mitten looking things all along the side, you ask? I am truly afraid to ask! More hands.....I hope? Gosh, and to think- I must face her teachers TODAY!!!!! UGH!!!!! I wish she would have, at least, made the "nickles" a little more symmetrical!!!!

On a sweeter note, she did also leave me an adorable "love note" on one of my work pads. I noticed it right when I grabbed it to jot some information down, while taking a call. It says, "I LOVE ALEXA (alexia's) MOM". She also attempted cursive, as she filled in the important information that I would need. I am not only a robot with "nickles", I am also "Alexa mom." What's my real name again?


Mary said...

Love Lexie's picture, it's very good,(lopsided nickles and all). Was going to contact Helen and tell her to check it out, but can't get onto her site..noreply,etc,etc...but do want to tell her and Lizzy that you and I will work up a blog for me sometime very soon..Love you, Mom

Helen said...

aawwww a DCP ROBOT!! How cute...I am lovin' that blue torso!

Ohhh...just reading "mum's" comments - a blog for Mum...yeehaw. Sign me up!


Krissy said...

awwwwwwwwwwww so sweet! Great robot mom... i'm dying over here with the nickles.. you know that right? Does she KNOW what size bra you wear? My goodness.. i'd say at LEAST half dollars! LMAOOOOOOOOOOO TOO CUTE!